PM gave a personal opinion on issuing further radio licences

Dear Editor,

It is unfortunate that the PM has become the victim of the radio licences’ issue. In my opinion, Dr Hinds’ annoyance is common to many of us who hoped that this government would make a change, but there are too many shortcomings. This government is giving ammunition to the PPP.

Prime Minister Nagamootoo did not say the licences given to Mr Jagdeo and his friends and relatives should not be revoked, but gave a personal opinion that additional licences should be given. This is not a decision from cabinet. In addition, the PM is a lawyer, and maybe in the interim the licences cannot be legally revoked without a cost. I have known the PM personally for many years and he has faced many harsh and challenging circumstances, but his intention is honest. I am certain, if this PM could jail lawbreakers associated with the last government by due process, he would. We (Joe Persuad, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo) are not ‘yes’ men; this is why we were technically put out by Mr Jagdeo, not by the PPP as such. There are many yes men because of economic circumstances.

APNU and the AFC in opposition, complained that the PPP was misusing the government media, and rightly so. This government should now privatize the state media. No democratic government owns media. Or is it that this government wants to repeat all the acts of the PPP, like awarding the contract to the airport contractor hired under the PPP/C, etc; no tender for the speciality hospital; retaining employees loyal to the previous government in various departments; placing half the army in government; and not employing people on the basis of qualifications and experience to produce good results to win the voters.

People are bitter about some of the things APNU+AFC is doing. The coalition is on stage; everyone is seeing them, but they do not see the crowd. Life is like a sheet of untrodden snow so they should be careful how they step for every step will show.

Yours faithfully,

Joe Persaud