Cement block factory in residential area disturbing residents

Dear Editor,

I am a 65-year-old pensioner and I have been living in a highly populated residential area for six years, next to a resident who has constructed a cement block factory, apparently with the blessing of the RDC and NDC. I have filed so many complaints and written letters, but to no avail.

My bedrooms are in close proximity to this factory which is equipped with two ransome machines, and one very long high-powered water pump. One can be as far as 3 to 4 corners away and hear the loud deafening sound of those engines, far less me, who is so close. The smell of dieseline is everywhere. The pollution om the water tank, drums with sand and cement residue and the sand which has built up in the waterway cause stagnant water which breeds all manner of disease. Imagine this resident has a sand truck which he parks very close to me.

He starts the engine at 1 and 2 o’clock in the morning disturbing me. He works his factory day and night, Sundays and holidays, giving no peace whatsoever. There are elderly folks and many kids in the area. This man is in violation of my constitional rights, as well as the bylaws of the country. No one should construct a factory in a residential area, especially a cement one. Cement is a very dangerous chemical and can cause all manner of disease. This would not happen in the US, UK and Canada; the laws are upheld there, and governors and mayors enforce the laws and not lawlessness. I long for fresh pure air.

The junior Minister in the Public Health Ministry has asked citizens to take care of their health, but not when it is being jeopardized by others. I wish the minister could visit here and see how I have to struggle with this unhealthy environment which is so deadly.

Does anyone care about the well-being of the elderly and children? I remember all so vividly the cries of children begging for help from abusive parents and no single resident came to the aid of the children. I could not take it; it haunted me so much. I called the Welfare but I do not know what transpired, and the parents moved to another village. The church is apparently helping those parents and children. There is another example of man thrashing his wife and the poor children were screaming for help, but no one came to the aid of the battered woman. I called out to him to stop doing that and he ceased. How horrible it is that people are there and yet they do not help one another. I am fighting my battle like a lone solider, because no one would come out since this resident employs their sons and gives them gifts. He has silenced them.

All I am asking for is the closure of this factory and its removal to the industrial site on western side of the scheme which is like a jungle for Tarzan. Stop the atrocities to others. Let those who are sympathetic to the factory owner install the factory next to them, and let them feel what I am going through. I am awaiting a positive result from this violation.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address provided)