Nathoo’s letter had practical suggestions re parking meters

Dear Editor,

Loris Nathoo’s letter was as refreshing as it was thought provoking (‘Smart City Solutions should amend their pricing structure’ SN, Feb 4).

Here was a letter which offered practical suggestions to the parking meter dilemma. I was rather impressed with the suggestion of an “all day ticket”. This is the kind of thinking and conversation that is needed at this time.

It is hoped that both the city council and Smart City Solutions would recognize the many plausible suggestions and recommendations offered in the letter, and at least give serious thought as to their practicality. It would be interesting to hear what the populace thinks of the many suggestions in the letter.

I am of the view that regardless what we might think and feel about parking meters, they are here; they are a fact of life, and we need to find ways and means to accommodate them to the satisfaction and benefit of all concerned.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed