Being overly patient can be a form of procrastination

Dear Editor,

We the public have been told a lot about why there has been non-interference in the affairs of the Georgetown municipality, especially when it comes to the parking meter issues. Among the words used by the President is ‘micro-manage’; he says he doesn’t want to micromanage and that City Hall is an autonomous body which should be allowed to function unimpeded.

From my point of view no one in this land of ours could honestly accuse the President of ever micro-managing; as a matter of fact he takes too long before he gets involved in matters that eventually affect the masses in a negative way, by which time it might be too late to salvage the ship.  He gives his team members time to sort things out, but more often than not he has to come and clean up the mess.

What would stop the President from treating with a sense of urgency bread-and-butter matters, not just for the affluent but also for the bottom-of-the-line citizens who might find themselves ignored, neglected or even rejected by autonomous bodies such as the municipality? And of course we do have the case of the parking meters, where the city administrators went ahead hastily and signed a contract without any survey, consultations or trying to ventilate what would be the reaction of the citizens and the business community.  Why take so long before intervening in such a crucial matter that is affecting lives of citizens?

I know patience is a virtue and the President is saturated with patience, but being overly patient can be a form of procrastination, during which things can deteriorate to a point of no return.


Yours faithfully,

Ivan John