The monument site at Palmyra is still incomplete

Dear Editor,

The APNU+AFC coalition government campaign platform was racial unity and a promise that the coalition would ensure each and every Guyanese would not be discriminated against. As such, over 20 000 persons in Region Six voted for the coalition government.

Just imagine, the monument site at Palmyra is still incomplete after several years. A few ministers came weeks before May 5th, as a smokescreen to tell Indo-Guyanese about the coalition government’s failure to erect this monument. The Social Cohesion Minister Norton said this project would be completed for May 5th, 2018.  But I realize that PM Nagamootoo, who also promised to complete it since last year, is a rubber stamp who is powerless and does nothing to represent Region Six. Amna Ally at Fyrish on the Corentyne said that Region Six did not vote for us but the coalition government is still spending in the region. This is an insult to the residents of Region Six and Minister Amna Ally should remember that taxpayers’ money is being spent, not her personal money.

Yours faithfully,

Zamal Hussain