Something has to be done to stop the brutal way women are being killed

Dear Editor,

I refer to the incident that took place on Saturday 31st March 2018 in Alexander Village where a woman was killed and a soldier charged. I would like the Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan to put certain things in place, my suggestion.

No prison officer, police or GDF officer regardless of rank must take home a gun. Going out the compound, lodge it. People do things and are sorry after, and most of them use their weapon to do things that they shouldn’t do.

Something has to be done to stop the brutal way women are being killed nearly every week.

Last year, a husband lashed his wife with a bench in her head and she had to jump through the window. He followed her and chopped her up, and she died. A Richard Ishmael Secondary school teacher’s battered body was thrown out of  a vehicle. Last October, a police corporal was chopped to death, and many more including the recent one at Mahaica in front of her two children.

This will only stop if you hang the guilty  by rope or use the electric chair. Because nothing is being done about these incidents and the men know only jail they have to do and they are back on the streets.

Former President Hoyte stopped kick down the door bandits by hanging  them high and it did stop. Too many women are being  butchered.

Mr Ramjattan and President Granger please do something. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

I. Baird