Trinidad: Suspended senior cop shot dead

Se­nior Supt Ed­ward Castil­lo
Se­nior Supt Ed­ward Castil­lo

(Trinidad Guardian) A se­nior po­lice­man who was on su­pen­sion was fa­tal­ly shot at his busi­ness place at Wa­ter­loo Road, Cara­pichaima, yes­ter­day.

Se­nior Supt Ed­ward Castil­lo died at the scene while a woman who was al­so in the busi­ness place was shot in the leg.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors were last night try­ing to de­ter­mine whether the gun­men had in­tend­ed to rob Castil­lo or kill him.

At around 6 pm, two men went to busi­ness place, Aiden’s Mi­ni Mart and Meat Shop and asked for an en­er­gy drink. When Castil­lo turned to get the drink he was shot sev­er­al times.

Two years ago, Castil­lo ap­peared be­fore in the San Fer­nan­do Mag­is­trates Court charged with four of­fences, in­clud­ing three charges of in­de­cent as­sault.

He was sus­pend­ed in 2012 and had over 40 years ser­vice.

Ch­agua­nas po­lice and homi­cide de­tec­tives are in­ves­ti­gat­ing.