Trinidad: Detainees escaped detention centre while guards were at Christmas gathering

Venezuelans Jose Luis Ramirez Yanez (left) and Guyanese national Ryan Badal, 23
Venezuelans Jose Luis Ramirez Yanez (left) and Guyanese national Ryan Badal, 23

(Trinidad Express) By press­ing their bodes against a flim­sy sheet of gal­vanise to cre­ate a space they could fit through, five Im­mi­gra­tion De­ten­tion Cen­tre (IDC) de­tainees es­caped while of­fi­cers re­laxed at a Christ­mas gath­er­ing last Thurs­day.

Two de­tainees, who told Guardian Me­dia they wit­nessed the es­cape, said in a tele­phone in­ter­view yes­ter­day that the five men were in the tele­vi­sion room in the cen­tre of the com­pound when they climbed the iron bars, pushed the gal­vanise and crawled through the open­ing on­to the roof. At the time, the eye­wit­ness­es said, of­fi­cers were par­tak­ing in a Christ­mas gath­er­ing out­doors.

Po­lice have iden­ti­fied the es­capees as Guyanese na­tion­al Ryan Badal, 23, Ja­maican na­tion­al Kr­ish­na Bai­ley, 22 and Venezue­lans Jose Luis Ramirez Yanez, 27, Rod­ney Noel Reyes Men­doza, 24 and Luis Si­fontes, 32.

A se­nior of­fi­cial at the IDC told Guardian Me­dia that an in­ter­nal re­port on the in­ci­dent con­firmed the men es­caped from the tele­vi­sion room, ran along the rooftop and jumped over the perime­ter fence.

The of­fi­cial, who spoke on the con­di­tion of strict anonymi­ty, said the men es­caped short­ly be­fore 7 pm but of­fi­cers on­ly dis­cov­ered the men were miss­ing three hours lat­er dur­ing an of­fi­cial head count.

One of the de­tainees who wit­nessed the in­ci­dent said, “Many of us were aware of the es­cape and the route they used and about 50 or 60 per­sons could have es­caped with­in that three hours be­fore the of­fi­cers came to check on us but we chose not to leave, since most of us be­ing held here are not crim­i­nals.”

North­ern Di­vi­sion of­fi­cers con­tin­ue their ef­forts to re­cap­ture the five men.