14 men escape from Trinidad Immigration Detention Centre

Police are searching for 14 detainees who escaped from the Immigration Detention Centre in Aripo on Wednesday.
Police are searching for 14 detainees who escaped from the Immigration Detention Centre in Aripo on Wednesday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice and Im­mi­gra­tion of­fi­cers are search­ing for 14 per­sons who es­caped from the Im­mi­gra­tion De­ten­tion Cen­tre (IDC) in Aripo.

De­tails in­di­cate that the es­cape oc­curred be­tween 3 pm and 5 pm Wednes­day af­ter­noon dur­ing air­ing time.

IDC of­fi­cers are search­ing the perime­ter in a bushy area for the de­tainees.

Most are be­lieved to be Venezue­lan na­tion­als.

This fol­lows the es­cape of five men in April this year.

Pri­or to that, two de­tainees al­so es­caped in March.