Elderly Kingston man getting outrageous GWI bills

Dear Editor,

I write on behalf of a “father figure of a fit and proper friend”, who I hold in high esteem. Editor, Mr. Desmond Knight is a member of the 80-plus club and a resident of 119 Parade Street, Kingston, Georgetown, where he has been residing with his wife and son for the past 28 years. Editor, the issue at hand is a continuously exorbitant water bill over a 3-year period, exceeding $100,000 a month. What is ironic, if not pathetic, is that the reading on a monthly basis, isn’t compatible with the amount of water being consumed. Suffice it to say that the household only utilises water from GWI for bathing, laundry and lavatory purposes but definitely not cooking. This is done with carbon filtered, purified water from Jus Water.

Editor, why should an octogenarian have to frequent the GWI Office, to query his bill only to be told that it’s a problem with the computer?  During this time “Fuzzzy” Knight, was moved to ask, “Lester, is the computer working with coals?”

Armed with a stack of bills as well as the transport for the property; his late neighbour’s previous transport (photocopy) and one of her bills, all provided by ‘Fuzzy’ for perusal, I went to GWI get some sort of explanation. (His account number is 11808437-01828, while his former neighbour’s name is Shirley Hyatha, address 119 A Parade Street, Kingston, account number 9960394-00Q23).

Sir, the following was explained to me. Prior to the late Hyatha selling her property, the water meter was located close to the back gate of Knight’s property. When her property was sold, the water meter was either relocated or totally removed, along with the account number from the computerized system. It would seem therefore that my friend ‘Fuzzy’ is being billed for both premises.

  Why is it for some strange reason the “Peter pays for Paul and Paul pays for all” syndrome becomes integral, in an unjust system that borders on “incompetence” of the administrators? Then it is followed by the threat of disconnection! But this is Guyana.

Nevertheless, the intervention of Dr. Van West Charles, CEO of GWI, must come swiftly to save the unnecessary embarrassment of a judicial outcome.

Yours faithfully,

Lester Sealey

Editor’s note: A copy of this letter is being sent to the Guyana Water Inc for any comment it may wish to make.