Commitment to working for Guyana more important criterion for Parliament than dual citizenship

Dear Editor,

If being born or holding citizenship of another country is to preclude Guyanese from holding political office, many good Guyanese would not be able to be members of Parliament. Being resident in Guyana  and the commitment to work for Guyana should be the more important criteria than holding citizenship of another country, which is permitted by most countries of the world. Guyana should take the lead on this important issue and permit the consideration only of residency for the acceptance to political leadership.

As a Guyanese who lived overseas for a considerable length of time, I know that my heart and soul was always for the country of my birth. I was absolutely committed to the country which adopted me and they benefited as many countries which accepted Guyanese, to their list of citizens. However I would wish to know that I am able to be a Guyanese who can enjoy all the rights of my birth country especially given the fact that I like many others were forced to leave our homeland, given the condition of Guyana under a dictator. Guyana is famous for its hospitality to many who visit this nation and should extend this to Guyanese who are now resident and seeking to serve the country.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Davendra Sharma