Trinidad police believe body of kidnapped car dealer Sheldon Sukhdeo found

Sheldon Sukhdeo
Sheldon Sukhdeo

(Trinidad Guardian) A month af­ter he was kid­napped, po­lice be­lieve they have fi­nal­ly found the body of car deal­er Shel­don Sukhdeo.

Around 1 pm on Tues­day, of­fi­cers went to an area at Las Lo­mas #2 and found a de­com­posed corpse.

It ap­peared to be Sukhdeo as the corpse bore a tat­too on the right arm which re­sem­bled Sukhdeo’s.

How­ev­er, of­fi­cers said they will on­ly pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fy the corpse when a den­tal and DNA as­sess­ment is done.

Sheldon Sukhdeo (left) and his deceased brother Sheron

A source said the body was found close to the work­place of a Span­ish speak­ing woman who shared a close re­la­tion­ship with Sukhdeo.

The 32-year-old man was dri­ving his BMW X-5 head­ed north along the Solomon Ho­choy High­way when he was kid­napped.

A $2 mil­lion ran­som was de­mand­ed, but no mon­ey has been paid by his fam­i­ly.

His moth­er and broth­er spoke to him three days af­ter his ab­duc­tion. State­ments were tak­en from three men who were with Sukhdeo at the time of his ab­duc­tion.

Sukhdeo was the broth­er of slain mul­ti-mil­lion­aire re­al es­tate and car deal­er Sheron Sukhdeo who was killed on March 26 last year.

Fol­low­ing Sheron’s death, his wife Rachael Sukhdeo named a close fam­i­ly mem­ber as be­ing in­volved in the death. She has since left the coun­try along with her two chil­dren. Two weeks af­ter Sheron’s killing, his broth­er in law Phillip Bas­sant, Rachael’s broth­er was gunned down at Ma­habir Av­enue, Ca­roni Sa­van­nah Road, Char­lieville.

Sheron Sukhdeo’s neigh­bour, Joshua Plaza, 21, who was blamed for the mur­der, was al­so killed on April 22.

On May 14, Sheron’s right-hand man Er­win Beck­les was shot dead on May 14.