Trinidad teen who was formerly homeless accepted by 17 US universities

Formerly homeless student Dylan Chidick of Jersey City and his Mother Khadine Phillip.
Formerly homeless student Dylan Chidick of Jersey City and his Mother Khadine Phillip.

(Trinidad Guardian) He mi­grat­ed from this coun­try at a young age and has been dom­i­nat­ing head­lines in the Unit­ed States af­ter he was ac­cept­ed in­to not one, not two…not even three but 17 uni­ver­si­ties.

At just sev­en years old Dy­lan Chidick, along with his moth­er and younger twin broth­ers, left their home in Point Fortin in hopes of a brighter fu­ture in the Unit­ed States.

How­ev­er, not long af­ter set­tling in New Jer­sey the fam­i­ly be­gan falling on hard times. Dur­ing a Skype in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia Lim­it­ed Dy­lan ex­plained how chal­leng­ing life had be­come “my fam­i­ly went through a lot, many would look at me and say that I won’t achieve my goals”. The fam­i­ly’s sit­u­a­tion would then take a sharp turn for the worse when Dy­lan’s younger broth­ers were di­ag­nosed with se­ri­ous heart con­di­tions.

Mount­ing med­ical bills sub­se­quent­ly forced the fam­i­ly in­to pe­ri­ods of home­less­ness. Dy­lan de­scribed the fam­i­ly’s new strug­gle as scary “we lived among dis­abled peo­ple, and oth­ers suf­fer­ing from var­i­ous ill­ness­es, we had to adapt and were forced to com­ply with cer­tain con­di­tions, it was dif­fi­cult for us all but I tried not to show how it af­fect­ed me.”

De­spite the in­sur­mount­able ob­sta­cles Dy­lan and his fam­i­ly faced, he nev­er for­got his dream to achieve. In­stead of hang­ing his head, the Jer­sey City stu­dent be­gan shoul­der­ing some of the load which was weigh­ing his fam­i­ly down heav­i­ly. “When we lived in the shel­ter I took ad­vanced school so that the next year which is now I would be able to leave school ear­ly. I would get up by 6.30, leave the house by 7.30 then take the train and drop my broth­ers to sum­mer camp, from there I’d go to school from 8.30 to 12.30 and then from 1 to 7 pm I will work at the recre­ation cen­tre. I worked at the pool as a lock­er room at­ten­dant and I ba­si­cal­ly clean up af­ter peo­ple and af­ter that, I’d go home and do my home­work.”

Dy­lan rose to be­come se­nior class pres­i­dent at Hen­ry Sny­der High School, now the 17-year-old son of the soil has got­ten ac­cep­tance let­ters from 17 of the 18 uni­ver­si­ties he ap­plied to.

From a home­less teen en­dur­ing fi­nan­cial strug­gles with his fam­i­ly, Dy­lan is now proof that through de­ter­mi­na­tion and hard work you can ac­com­plish all your goals.

He in­tends to vis­it home lat­er this year, but in the mean­time, he wants stu­dents who may have their backs against the wall to “push through and don’t let your dream out of sight, keep work­ing un­til you’ve ac­com­plished your goals.”