Irfaan Ali cultivating direct bond with real voters

Dear Editor,

The next elections are the biggest of all elections in Guyana. Clearly, although Team Granger is in power only four years, there is already a massive anti-incumbency attitude of mind against them especially with the increasing collection of information on the number of cases of corruption being unearthed. 

For those who already do not know it, these upcoming elections are going to be more of an identity-based elections with known faces making the biggest inroads. That is why the PPP’s strategy of sending their Presidential Candidate Mr. Mohamed I. Ali to walk in the streets and the dams of the villages with the people is a sound one because it allows him to cultivate a direct bond with real voters. Such a relationship cannot be undone with a TV advertisement or a Facebook comment against him. Such a relationship ends up with me hearing in Fyrish Village (a mixed village on the Corentyne Coast) comments such as – “I know Mr. Ali, I have never met Mr. Granger”, with my own ears in March 2019 while I visited the Corentyne.

The Granger Team is “trying a thing” using Government resources with a mass blast on NCN, but that is not how you win elections.  Their fundamental pillar in their games is nowhere to be found – their candidate. This is not how you win hearts and minds. 

So every day that goes by, the PPP candidate gets stronger and the PNC candidate is nowhere to be found.  Thus we know how this will play out even if GECOM continues to not do its work.

Yours faithfully,

Sasenarine Singh