Still impossible to utilise post office branches for simple tasks

Dear Editor,

The construction of the General Post Office was, in the colonial days, a very visionary project – with the same space as of today, to cater, however, with considerably less human traffic than in these days.

Though today there are more post office branches, the only substantive increase in services provided is in relation to pensioners.

It continues to be impossible to utilise a Georgetown branch to post a book to my colleague in Berbice. I have to attend the familiar old G.P.O – this time overcrowded for business.

But it was dismaying to learn, that one could not send a simple envelope by ‘express’ mail from my local branch to an overseas address. However discomfiting it might be for the old and disabled, it is necessary to queue up once more at the General Post Office to effect such a transaction. Just consider the breadth of such constipation in this post-colonial error.

It is even possible to run out of stamps.

Yours faithfully,

E.B. John