Trinidad police seize more info from Radio Jaagriti

Sat Maharaj
Sat Maharaj

(Trinidad Guardian) De­spite a pend­ing le­gal ac­tion which chal­lenges the Sedi­tion Act and pos­si­ble charges against Sanatan Dhar­ma Ma­ha Sab­ha Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al Sat­naryan Ma­haraj, po­lice re­turned to Ra­dio and TV Jaagri­ti yesterday to ob­tain tapes which may be linked to the case.

Around 1.30 pm, a team of of­fi­cers lead by ASP Michael Veronique vis­it­ed the Tu­na­puna me­dia house where a war­rant was read to staff by In­spec­tor Wayne Stan­ley.

Ma­haraj, the CEO of the me­dia house, spoke with re­porters af­ter the of­fi­cers left and con­firmed the of­fi­cers re­quest­ed tapes from April 9 and April 18 broad­cast.

“This is the sec­ond raid on Jaagri­ti ra­dio and TV sta­tion. In the first raid, nine po­lice of­fi­cers came, this time they in­creased the amount to ten. We asked them to give us a copy of the war­rant, and all they do was read from a piece of pa­per,” said Ma­haraj.

He said he be­lieved the ac­tion by the po­lice was po­lit­i­cal­ly mo­ti­vat­ed.

“This is my own per­son­al be­lief, that this sec­ond raid, as the first one, was in­spired by the politi­cians. That is they are us­ing the po­lice, the politi­cians are us­ing the po­lice, to ha­rass this me­dia house be­cause they per­ceive us to be against them,” said Ma­haraj.

How­ev­er, Guardian Me­dia was told that of­fi­cers were act­ing on in­struc­tions from the DPP’s of­fice con­cern­ing the on­go­ing sedi­tion in­ves­ti­ga­tion. Based on new in­for­ma­tion which had come to hand, the of­fi­cers were in­struct­ed to ob­tain the tapes from the sta­tion.

“I didn’t want to cause any con­fu­sion be­cause we have noth­ing to hide. We asked them which one is the tech­ni­cal of­fi­cer wants to go with our tech­ni­cal of­fi­cer and we tell them go ahead and search for what you want,” said Ma­haraj.

Ma­haraj’s lawyer Di­nesh Ram­bal­ly said the po­lice’s ac­tion rat­tled the staff at the me­dia house.

A state­ment from the TTPS said a team of of­fi­cers sought to re­trieve new in­for­ma­tion for an on­go­ing in­quiry in­to a Sedi­tion in­ves­ti­ga­tion.

The ex­e­cu­tion of the war­rant and sub­se­quent search were in­ci­dent free, the Po­lice Ser­vice said.