MovieTowne event disrupted residents

Dear Editor,

As I sat in my home on the evening of July 1, 2019, with aching ears, rattling windows and vibrating walls, I heard someone scream ‘Happy Caricom Day! Ya’ll having a good time?’ The GTT singing competition finals were being held at the MovieTowne parking lot which is located upwind of the residential areas Turkeyen and Liliendaal. The organizers of this event must have had some idea that an event of this nature, held in the open, would have a negative impact on the neighbouring residents. Or were they so concerned about having ‘a good time’ and ‘mashing up the place’ that it was done without consideration of others. If I had wanted to attend this competition, I would have purchased my ticket and attended rather than have it imposed upon me.

For too long people’s comfort has taken for granted by organizers of musical events. During the Guyana Carnival, several parties were held in the parking lot of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre – a centre for conferences. This music was heard by residents in Campbellville. Every weekend revelers at the “Strip” at Giftland Mall are entertained way past 4:00am. No one seems concerned. I am asking organizers of such activities to do so responsibly and plan these for areas designated for entertainment or better yet, in a soundproof facility. And to MovieTowne, please keep your parking lot for cars and bear in mind that you are located in a mostly residential areas where residents have to right to peace and quiet in their homes.

Yours faithfully

Zorina Gafoor