How many more must we lose to crime?

Dear Editor,

As I read the newspapers yesterday 5th July, my heart bled for the Latchman family at Better Hope on the East Coast. The ‘poor’ woman lost her husband, Aaron Latchman and her teenage daughter, Arianna after they were killed by bandits at their home on Thursday.

Editor, how many more of our citizens must we lose to bandits, robberies and other crimes? How many more? How many more? How many more must we lose to crimes? How many more of our brothers? How many more of our sisters? How many more of our sons? How many more of our daughters? How many more of our fathers? How many more of our mothers? How many more of our grandmothers? How many more of our grandfathers? How many more aunts and uncles? How many more?

Please Mr. Commissioner of Police, how many more must we lose? How many more must we lose Hon. Minister of Public Security? How many more must we lose? How many more? How….many….more?

Yours faithfully,

Audreyanna Thomas

On behalf of Christians

Affected By Crime Group