Sentencing looms for men convicted of raping elderly woman, child

Two men are now awaiting sentencing after pleading to guilty to separate charges of rape yesterday.

Delon Blake and Colin Thomas each threw themselves at the mercy of Justice Simone Morris-Ramlall when they appeared before her at the Sexual Offences Court yesterday morning and pleaded guilty to raping an elderly woman and a young girl, respectively.

Blake admitted that on June 20th, 2017, in the county of Demerara, he sexually penetrated a 76-year-old woman without her consent.

Thomas, meanwhile, admitted guilt on charges of sexually penetrating a young girl on two different occasions—once when she was six years old, and again when she was eight.

The 50-year-old man said that he was guilty of first raping the child between August 1st and 31st of 2013 and again committing the act between the 1st and 31st of December of the very next year—both times in the county of Essequibo.

Blake and Thomas will be sentenced tomorrow morning and have been remanded to prison until then.

Representing the Director of Public Prosecutions in the matters were state counsel Tuanna Hardy, Teriq Mohammed and Sarah Martin.

Blake was represented by attorney Ravindra Mohabir, while Thomas was represented by Maxwell McKay.