Mommy Baby Daddy Maybe opens at the Cultural Centre tonight

   Granny Ivelaw
Granny Ivelaw

This weekend some 16 actors and actresses will take to the stage of the National Cultural Centre (NCC) in a play titled Mommy Baby Daddy Maybe, which is described as a hilarious satire that focuses on exploring the well-known Guyanese parlance.

According to organisers the play, which debuted at the Mc Kenzie Sports Club Ground last Saturday evening and received a good response, is written and directed by Michael James.

Leon Moseley

The story follows Lois Moseley, a pregnant woman who is wedged between Randy Johnson and Randy Gonsalves, two multi-talented young men. Also thrown in is a cantankerous grandmother overcome by her self-righteousness. She reportedly turns everything on its head. Granny Ivelaw reportedly plays the character to the hilt.

“As if [those are] not enough, we [also] have  Leon Moseley, an undersized, egotistic pimp with a false accent, and a preacher who can’t attract anybody to his church and becomes progressively more desperate in his laughable quest,” a release from the producers said.

The price of admission is $2,000, $1,500 and $1,000. Tickets

Lois Mosele

are available at Andrews Supermarket, Nigel’s Super-market and the NCC Box Office.