Trinidad: $200,000 bail for senior cops on sexual misconduct charges

Senior Superintendent Samuel Seepersad (left) and acting Super-intendant Rohan Pardasie have been charged with sexual misconduct.
Senior Superintendent Samuel Seepersad (left) and acting Super-intendant Rohan Pardasie have been charged with sexual misconduct.

(Trinidad Guardian) Two se­nior po­lice of­fi­cers with decades of ser­vice, ap­peared in the Ch­agua­nas Mag­is­trates Court yester­day morn­ing charged with sex­u­al mis­con­duct.

Su­per­in­ten­dent (Ag) Ro­han Par­dasie of Point Fortin, who was most re­cent­ly as­signed to the South­ern Di­vi­sion was charged with in­de­cent as­sault aris­ing out of an in­ci­dent that al­leged­ly oc­curred at the Ch­agua­nas po­lice sta­tion in 2014.

On Wednes­day bail was grant­ed to Par­dasie at the Besson Street Po­lice Sta­tion, in the amount of $100,000. That bail was al­lowed to be con­tin­ued with one con­di­tion, that the ac­cused have no con­tact with the al­leged vic­tim.

Par­dasie has thir­ty-eight years of ser­vice and is 58 years old.

The mat­ter has been ad­journed to No­vem­ber fifth.

And Se­nior Su­per­in­ten­dent (Ag) Samuel Seep­er­sad of the Cen­tral Di­vi­sion was charged with ha­rass­ment.

The charge was laid fol­low­ing a re­port of Seep­er­sad al­leged­ly en­gag­ing in in­ap­pro­pri­ate phys­i­cal con­duct at the Ch­agua­nas po­lice sta­tion, be­tween March and June 2019.

Seep­er­sad who is al­so 58 years, was al­so grant­ed bail in the amount of $100,000 is set to reap­pear in court on Au­gust 14th.

He has 39 years of ser­vice.