Younger generation of Guyanese must understand the value that they bring

Dear Editor,

In a time of such uncertainty, especially for the young people of Guyana, we must continue onwards and charter our own paths despite the many doubts that frequently dampen our spirit. The viral cynicism brought on by our political climate is almost impossible to ignore but this does not mean we cannot find hope and purpose by taking our lives into our own hands and becoming fully accountable for our happiness and prosperity.

The world is quickly changing. No matter how far behind we seem to be, Guyana will be forced to evolve. With continuous technological advancements, we are spending more and more time on electronic devices that give us an instantaneous subjective understanding of our sociopolitical climate. Every time we open Facebook we are exposed to a plethora of rhetoric that immediately instigates feelings of frustration, anger and hopelessness. While it remains important for young adults to keep abreast on the country’s latest happenings, we need to stay focused on our personal development and not concede to divisive and cynical politics. Your political side’s success does not guarantee your physical, emotional or financial well-being. Ultimately we are the authors of our own story and our life fulfillment will not be secured through campaign promises but rather handwork, discipline and patience, even though these things deny our craving for instant gratification.

There are countless young Guyanese who have recognized the immense opportunity in the coming years. Whether we like it or not Guyana will continue to advance and develop at an exponential rate. With the arrival of foreign companies looking to invest in Guyana there will be available markets providing opportunities for those brave enough to think outside the box and be innovative.

We must be self aware. We must recognize our strengths. Invest the time and resources to develop our skills and package them in a way that is unique. Function in a way that incorporates our learned values and principles.

We are in a golden period where the slightest effort at entrepreneurship and innovation has the potential to build markets that have historically been unexplored. The possibilities are virtually endless.

Do not be discouraged. We have long been exposed to a culture that at times can be condemning of the bold and dismissive of innovative thought that threatens the status quo. Now is the time to overcome these empty barriers. The younger generation of Guyanese must understand the value that they bring and how they can utilize their skill set in order to thrive in their environment.

Being someone of the younger generation myself, I am inspired by the countless young adults in Guyana who have begun to charter their own path. Those who have disallowed themselves to be consumed by negativity and have persisted on the belief that with commitment to the process and continuous self improvement better will come. These people are the ones who recognize a great opportunity in a rapidly changing environment and commit to the long game that will inevitably lead to their success.

Yours faithfully,

Alex Arjoon