Trinidad: Bank employee chopped to death preparing child for school

Se­lene Sankar
Se­lene Sankar

(Trinidad Guardian) The po­lice Ca­nine Unit has been called in to as­sist in a man­hunt now un­der­way for a Siparia man want­ed for this morn­ing’s mur­der of Re­pub­lic Bank em­ploy­ee, Se­lene Sankar.

The woman was chopped to death.

Sankar, who was prepar­ing for her nine-year-old child’s first day of the school year was at­tacked by the male rel­a­tive around 6 am. 

Po­lice said that Sankar, who is in her mid-30s and the rel­a­tive had a dis­pute when he picked up a cut­lass and dealt her sev­er­al chops about the body.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said the at­tack was so bad that Sankar’s arm was al­most sev­ered.

It is not clear if the child wit­nessed the at­tack, but po­lice said the child was in the house at the time but was not harmed.

Neigh­bours re­port­ed that fol­low­ing the at­tack, the sus­pect ran in­to the bush­es with a piece of rope.

Po­lice of­fi­cers were called in and a search is un­der­way for the sus­pect.