Address these potholes on Mocha access road

Dear Editor,

The wise saying “A stitch in time saves nine”, should be heeded as sage advice.

Travelling on some roads during the night especially when there are no street lights can be unsettling. I would like to make special reference to the Mocha access road. There are some holes in the road, not very many, that are very quickly becoming mini craters.

I was unfortunate to be a victim of one of them while driving out from Mocha while it was raining.

I took notice of this particular one on my way into the village but failed to notice it on my way out of the village. In fact I experienced it when my car bounced in then out of it.

There is also a huge one defacing the road a little away from the Lion’s Den going in to Mocha. Often, drivers have to swerve to the other lane to avoid it. On many occasions, the unsuspecting driver would fail to avoid it especially when there is approaching traffic in the other lane.

I am thankful that no damage to my vehicle was visible.

I would urge the relevant authorities to please do something to address this uncomfortable situation.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address supplied)