Trinidad: 17-year-old girl runs away from home two weeks before her wedding

(Trinidad Guardian) The par­ents of a 17-year-old girl who ran away from home two weeks be­fore her wed­ding day are plead­ing with their daugh­ter to re­turn home.

Last Thurs­day the mi­nor walked out of her home leav­ing be­hind a note on her bed ad­dressed to her moth­er con­fess­ing her love for an­oth­er man.

Her par­ents, whose names we’ve omit­ted to pro­tect the girl’s iden­ti­ty, were not at home when she left.

In­formed by their son that she was miss­ing, the par­ents filed a miss­ing per­son’s re­port at the po­lice sta­tion.

Lat­er that evening, how­ev­er, her moth­er found the note which said she had gone to stay by her new love.

Speak­ing at their Pe­nal home yes­ter­day, the par­ents de­nied that her daugh­ter was be­ing forced to get mar­ried. They said their daugh­ter dropped out of school in Form Two and met her in­tend­ed hus­band, age 27, about a year ago.

When he asked them for their daugh­ter’s hand in mar­riage, the fa­ther said he asked his daugh­ter if she want­ed to mar­ry him and she said she did. They start­ed plan­ning the three day Hin­du wed­ding six months ago.

It was set for Oc­to­ber 11, 12, and 13, just two weeks be­fore her 18th birth­day on No­vem­ber 30.

The par­ents said she nev­er in­di­cat­ed that she was not hap­py.

“When her fa­ther ask her she said yes she will mar­ried. She nev­er tell we if she don’t like this boy or any­thing. If she did tell we, we would not have to go through all of this,” said the moth­er.

She spent about $10,000 on the girl’s wed­ding clothes and jew­els, had al­ready catered for the food and all the arrange­ments have been made.

They even­tu­al­ly found out where their daugh­ter was stay­ing with the man in Carlsen Field. She was not an­swer­ing her cell­phone, but they found the man on Face­book and got his cell phone num­ber.

They are hop­ing that the po­lice will bring her home.