Giving people free money never worked

Dear Editor,

I am against the cash transfer of oil money to the citizenry. I will tell you why. People are like pigeons. If you give pigeons food they will keep coming back for more and they will bring more pigeons. After a while, you’ll have countless pigeons to feed.

Likewise, if the government gives money to the citizenry, people will keep coming back for more money. Most of the time when people get free money they waste it.

For example, I can’t speak for other families on what they are going to do with the money. I can only speak for my family and my experience growing up. If my family was given US$5000  annually, my family would throw the biggest party with the money and a month later we would be without money and food.

Editor, I believe if you give money to the poor most of the money will be spent on alcohol and clothes. Poor people handle money irresponsibly and it’s why I am against cash transfers.

Giving people free money never worked anywhere in the world. When-ever a government gives the citizenry free money, the government believes they own the people.

For those reasons, I’m not in favour of cash transfers.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz