Guyana should learn that wealth without health is false wealth

Dear Editor,

I was reading of the recent winners of the 2019 noble prize in chemistry and how with the help of Exxon they were able to develop the Lithium Ion Battery. Back then in the last century Exxon was able to help provide a solution that has been the engine of growth behind renewable energy development. Their leaders had great vision and were very responsible in their approach to the Earth’s Climate.

Then, apparently in the impatient pursuit of money they lost their way and took a path that has now landed them in court to answer questions on climate change. It’s a pity how a company with a preventative solution for climate change in their hands didn’t take the high road which could have changed the course of history for the better and that could have helped prevent the tragedies and heartbreak that so many have suffered due to the detrimental impact of climate change. Hopefully Guyana will not make a similar mistake. We can be a prosperous nation and we can achieve this without destroying our Country. Wealth without health is false wealth indeed.

Yours faithfully,

Jamil Changlee