Evidence of time-wasting mismanagement at GECOM?

Dear Editor, 

 One of my colleagues, just out of school after the CAPE exams had the following experience with GECOM.

“We went to the elections commission office in Vreed-in-Hoop in July [2019] and they said that they were starting the house to house registration on the 3rd of August. They came to my house on the 8th of August. They told me that I would have to come in to collect the ID card when it is finished. They said that they were not sure when the ID card would be finished. We called back 2 times in September but they said that they were not finished. However, when we called back the third time (first week in October), they said that we had to re-register back. They said that they did not have all the information needed and so we had to re-register.”

What therefore was the use of house to house registration and attendant expenditure in this case? Or is this further evidence of time-wasting mismanagement at GECOM to justify elections unreadiness?

Yours faithfully,

Alfred Bhulai