With the right proposals, constitutional reform can be achieved in a matter of weeks

Dear Editor,

Sherwood Lowe’s letter, “We need a systematic evaluation of the 1999/2000 constitutional reforms” (SN: 25/10/19) is exactly the kind of missive this country needed four years ago when this government came to power with great promise to shake up constitutional reform. Lowe is late. Very late. Likely deliberately so.

Lowe, one of the apologists for this government and its downright degradation of constitutional rule and the rule of law since the no-confidence vote, has some temerity to come parading this letter at this late stage when elections are upon us. The letter itself preaches delay in approaching constitutional reform, which is in keeping with the mentality of the power charlatans Lowe supports. It is tactical head faking at its amateurish worst. It delivers no blame at all to this government for deliberately derailing constitutional reform. Again, this is in keeping with Lowe’s modus operandi. Where is the report Nigel Hughes and others produced on constitutional reforms very early in this government’s life? Surely, Lowe has not forgotten there is already work done on constitutional reform that can be a base template for a current constitutional reform exercise!

This letter is not about constitutional reform, it is about why those reforms cannot happen expeditiously. It is an excuse for delay. Not a single suggestion for reform in the letter. A galling bunch of fluff to get out in front of what may be percolating behind closed doors. It is a pathetic attempt at setting the public up for what may be emanating from Congress Place. Let me guess, the ABC mandarins have finally awoken to the threat this democracy-destroying government presents to their investments and are demanding constitutional reforms to protect their investment in the future? Or are they telling the inhabitants at the Ministry of the Presidency that they must seriously consider power sharing pre-election?

If this isn’t driven by these potent factors then this is Sherwood Lowe simply making a clown of himself, thinking he can get away with it. Where was this letter from Lowe a year ago when this country was dying constitutionally and crying out for constitutional reform? Did he miss the hundreds of letters written in that phase specifically suggesting various constitutional reforms? Look Lowe, stop the nonsense. Powerful reforms can be achieved in this country in a matter of weeks if the ABC countries body slam this government into action. With the right proposals for potent democratic constitutional reforms, the PPP will return to Parliament and reforms can be passed in mere weeks. Just stop the nonsense Lowe.

Yours faithfully,

M. Maxwell