Stop hurting animals

Dear Editor,

Every day, countless cats, dogs and other animals suffer and die at the hands of the very people who are supposed to care for and protect them. Physical violence, emotional abuse and life-threatening neglect are daily realities for many animals. Their only hope is that a kind person will speak up before it’s too late.

This is the reality in this day and age; at first, everyone loves a puppy but after that phase, the neglect starts. It breaks my heart when I see strays on the roadway knowing that those loving animals are dumped and they’re so innocent that they expect you to return to them. Some would even run towards you while driving away and keep running until exhaustion. Just imagine if this was you being dumped, only to become road kill or die of starvation or even continuously beaten as you look for your family. That’s just some of the many things we should think about.

And I would further say, people who abuse animals are cowardly – they take their issues out on the most defenseless victims available – and their cruelty often crosses species lines. Research in psychology and criminology shows that animal abusers tend to repeat their crimes as well as commit similar offences against members of their own species. This phenomenon is known to law-enforcement and humane professionals as “the link” as this would lead to domestic violence, murder, child abuse, etc. 

We as parents, guardians, brothers, sisters, yes all of us, need to teach children and ourselves to empathise with other living beings from an early age, both in school and by leading through example. This is hugely important. Kind parents who go out of their way to help animals in need can inspire future generations to make compassionate choices, and educational establishments also play an important role.

If you see an animal being abused or neglected, inform law enforcement and other relevant authorities.

I must further commend “Paws for Guyana” for contributions and kind actions made in this area of taking care of these loving animals.

Imagine being hungry, lonely, abused and you can’t say anything, so let us all love and care our little furry family members.

Yours faithfully,

Julius Seunarine