A ‘bonkers’ move at Takuba Lodge

Dear Editor,

Sorry not to be as prolix as ex Foreign Minister Rohee on this important matter.

What in God’s name in happening in Takuba Lodge? To let one ambassador go is an accident, but to let six or seven go at the same time is just plain crass. To let them go at one month’s notice is beyond belief, especially at Xmas. One of them got his cards by reading it in the papers!

Guyana is on the cusp of a crucial general election and seismic changes in national wealth and badly needs experienced (and well-liked) people in foreign postings. High Commissioner Case has served Guyana and the diaspora in the UK brilliantly.

As the English say, this move is ‘bonkers’!

This unholy mess will result in no good to anybody on heaven or on earth.

Yours faithfully,

John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’
