Trinidad: Four years jail for panty thief

Brian Mc Kenzie escorted to the Sangre Grande Magistrates Court on Wednesday.
Brian Mc Kenzie escorted to the Sangre Grande Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

(Trinidad Guardian) A self-con­fessed panty thief was sent to prison for four years on Wednes­day af­ter elud­ing of­fi­cers for al­most a year.

Bri­an Mc Ken­zie, 36, was nabbed by un­der­cov­er po­lice of­fi­cers ear­li­er this week near a bar in San­gre Chiq­ui­to, a vil­lage south of San­gre Grande.

Po­lice said Mc Ken­zie was ac­cused of steal­ing var­i­ous items of cloth­ing which were put out to dry by home­own­ers.

He is ac­cused of steal­ing women’s un­der­wear and men’s cloth­ing, house­hold items, fruits, veg­eta­bles and threat­en­ing home­own­ers who con­front­ed him in the San­gre Chiq­ui­to dis­trict.

Mc Ken­zie ap­peared be­fore Mag­is­trate Bramb­hanan Dubay in the First Mag­is­trates Court on charges of bur­glary. He plead­ed guilty to the of­fences.

Po­lice pros­e­cu­tor Sgt Nicholas Ramdeen told the mag­is­trate that the pris­on­er had a long list of pend­ing mat­ters.

PC Ciel­to of San­gre Grande CID laid the charge.