With joined lists small parties can be viable force

Dear Editor,

Once again, I make an appeal to the small parties contesting the upcoming General and Regional elections.

Do you truly want what is best for this our homeland?

Do you truly want to gain elected representation so as to participate in the wise governance of our country?

Do you truly want to have a part in the stewardship of our abundant natural resources, so as to ensure that all citizens enjoy a good quality of life?

You have the opportunity to achieve all this if you join your lists so that there is the best possible chance that every vote that you receive is translated into representation in Parliament.

If you act together you can be the conscience of the nation, and guide Guyana to an era of true peace, prosperity and the greater good. The two major players in Parliament are likely to oppose each other for the sake of opposing each other – once in Parliament your role is to be the voice of reason – to bring clarity, balance and wisdom to the governance of Guyana.

I appeal to your sense of patriotism: ‘Let us co-operate for Guyana’. I appeal to your sense of reason: recognize that votes gained for any individual small party are likely to be fewer than hoped for, thus being unable to attain a seat and therefore wasted. Don’t waste the votes that will be cast for you: if you don’t gain a seat, Guyana stands little chance.

If you go it alone, you may end with many individual hopes that fade into oblivion. With joined lists, a united, viable reality can be yours and ours.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Collins