Win or lose there is much hope towards a better life

Dear Editor,

I see and feel how beautiful our Guyanese people are feeling. There is much hope towards a better life. One filled with joy, aspirations fulfilled and the removal of the burdens faced today. For this reason I ask all those involved in our elections that win or lose that they do not destroy the hope that has been kindled in the hearts of our people, especially in the hearts of our young Guyanese men & women and boys & girls. Our motherland has seen bad times that have led to too many suicides due to despair and the lack of faith in a better day ahead. We all as a people must remember during this delicate transition to better times that our patrimony and promise of a better life belongs to all Guyanese.

No one Party nor any one person has the authority to take that away from any of our fellow Guyanese, especially the most vulnerable, especially our young Guyanese boys and girls. They are the future of Guyana and we need them to be of strong mind, body and spirit. So no matter if your Party wins or loses in the elections, tomorrow is not lost to despair. Where there is life there is hope and worry will be replaced by actively creating a better today which will lead to a better tomorrow. The love in our hearts cannot be taken from us unless we allow someone to do so. This time we the people of Guyana say selfishly with pride that our love for ourselves is ours and no one is allowed to take it from us. It doesn’t matter how much money, it doesn’t matter how much fame and it doesn’t matter how bad the situation may seem today or tomorrow. Nothing is more important than life itself! As I said before, where there is life there is hope. For this reason Guyana is strengthened by all Guyanese who choose life first and foremost.

Yours faithfully,

Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana