Miss Bikini Guyana’s tips for staying safe and healthy

 Miss Bikini Guyana Rosanna Fung
Miss Bikini Guyana Rosanna Fung

Hey Guys! Ms Bikini Guyana here to shed some light on your day.

So, I know you guys are stuck at home for the time being and since the gyms are closed your fitness goals may seem more out of reach than ever before, but don’t give up on your 2020 body goals just yet.

The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week and seeing that you guys will be stuck indoors for now and things can easily become quite monotonous, you should take advantage of this time and make the best of a dull situation. That being said, here are some tips that may come in handy during this unplanned off-season.

Tip 1: Get moving!

There are many easy, at-home workouts on YouTube that require little to no equipment. Find one that piques your interest and do your best to complete it. Remember to keep your proficiency in mind as you don’t want a routine that is too hard for you to complete as you will be more prone to bad form. Instead, look for one that you feel comfortable doing but which challenges you as well. In addition to those, you can literally walk anywhere to increase your active minutes throughout the day. If you have a smart watch, or a Fitbit, or even a smartphone you can easily track your steps throughout the day. I normally aim for 10,000 steps a day and some days when I find I’m falling short I walk around the living room while watching TV or even walk on the spot. It’s a funny sight, but it gets the job done.

Tip 2: Get innovative!

Now for some of you who have advanced beyond the lengths of body weighted exercises and who also don’t have access to additional weights, I think it might be time for some improvisation. Yep, I said it. It’s time to get innovative. Having spent quite a large bit of my childhood scouting, I’ve managed to pick up a few skills that I find to be super beneficial. I can recall our expeditions where we had to fetch all our equipment along with personal belongings in our rucksacks and boy let me tell you, it was not easy. You can learn from my story and use any backpack with some heavy books or filled water bottles or really anything at all to pack on some extra pounds for some squats or push-ups or whatever exercises you see fit. You can, for example, repurpose the filled water bottles as some makeshift dumbbells to do some bicep curls or overhead triceps extensions. You get the idea.

Tip 3: Get hydrated!

Quite a few of us are guilty of not getting our recommended daily water intake and now that you have all the time in the world you have no excuse. Also, to answer your unasked question, no, Coca Cola is not water. The recommended daily water intake for an average adult male is about 15.5 cups and for an adult female 11.5 cups. Water is super important because it aids in the transmission of nutrients to all parts of the body and keeps all body tissues and functions running efficiently. That being said, drink your water!

Well there you have it, a few of my fitness tips for staying safe and healthy in these unpredictable times. I will leave you guys with one of my favourite quotes, by Jimmy Dean, which may be useful to you at this time: “You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust the sails to reach your destination”.