President Granger should gracefully accept the will of the electorate

Dear Editor,

I had, in a previous letter, posited the view that the APNU+AFC is doing a great disservice to its members and supporters by promoting a narrative that it has won the March 2, 2020 elections when the entire democratic world know otherwise.

The most recent ruling by the High Court has once again re-confirmed whatever lingering doubts some people may have, including a significant number of APNU+AFC supporters that the PPP/C has won the elections.

Understandably, the APNU+AFC supporters would prefer to see their party in the seat of government once again through democratic means. However, the election results have determined otherwise. Many now are experiencing what sociologists refer to as ‘role conflict’, a state of not wanting to openly speak out against electoral malpractice, mainly out of political loyalty, but at the same time having to live with the guilt of an administration that is seeking to perpetuate its life in government by undemocratic means.

I recall a statement made years ago by someone in the aftermath of a rigged election that ‘the shame is greater than the victory.’

I again urge that good sense prevail and that President Granger gracefully accept the will of the electorate and concede defeat.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally