Republic Bank has not replied on unused cheques query

Dear Editor,

A few days ago I received a letter from Republic Bank informing me that unused cheques would no longer be usable effective from October 1 2020 because of the new system now being used by the bank.

I wrote to the bank twice seeking to find out what would happen to the unused cheques in my possession and who would stand the cost of the new cheques in view of the fact that I had nothing to do with the introduction of the new system. Regrettably I was not offered the courtesy of a reply.

Editor, I strongly believe that customers should not be asked to pay for something that they were not responsible for.

Republic Bank is probably the largest profit earner in Guyana and they should have no problem picking up the cost of replacing the unused cheques they are asking customers to bear. I recall this bank a few months ago promising to reimburse customers for the inconvenience suffered when the bank was implementing a systems changeover and unfortunately to date l cannot recall receiving any compensation.

I call on the Bank of Guyana to look into this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Rajnarine Singh