Forensic audit needed of Water Users body in Black Bush Polder

Dear Editor,

I was  elated to learn that Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha  graced Black Bush Polder with his presence. However, the venue and time for a meeting with him for farmers to air their concerns in Mibicuri were changed at the very last moment or were not communicated to all the people of Mibicuri. Farmers waited for over an hour at the venue highlighted by his Ministry in its meeting schedule posted on its facebook page to meet with him while he was at another location holding such a meeting with a selected few.

Nevertheless, there are a few critical areas myself and many other residents would seek his timely intervention into since we could not meet with him:

The Water Users Association (WUA)

– In 2019, The Executives of the WUA has made a decision to increase rice land rates and taxes by 100% (From $1,000 per acre to $2,000 per acre). When confronted, the Chairman of the WUA told rice farmers that the taxes will return to $1,000 per acre once the PPP/C party return to Government. Please note, the majority of rice farmers have not paid any taxes since such announcement.

– The Water Users Association has been holding Elections for office bearers for the past years with a selected few in attendance. The majority of farmers are not given the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.

– I am kindly asking the Minister behalf of rice farmers for a forensic audit to be conducted into the Water Users Association. There are many instances where fake receipts are given to rice farmers for payments made, blank receipts are given to contractors to sign for work done, items are purchased by members of the WUA for their benefit but has been recorded as expenses incurred by the WUA.

Drainage, Irrigation and Access Dams

– The harvesting season is upon us. Recent heavy downpours of rain have rendered rice-lands inaccessible. We are kindly seeking the Minister’s assistance in the clearing of Canals and paving of the dams.

– Irrigation during the dry spell has been a major problem over the years. Rice farmers have experienced hardship in getting water to their ricelands to commence cultivation.

Duty-free Concessions for farming Equipment and Supplies

– In 2015, the APNU+AFC government withdrew  the Duty-free concessions granted to rice farmers by the PPP/C Government. We are kindly asking if such can be made available once again.

Farmers’ Group

– Farmers in Black Bush Polder need a voice to air their concerns. As such, I would be grateful if the Minister can kindly initiate a Farmers Group in Black Bush Polder.

Access Bridge

– There is an urgent need for an access bridge at ‘Wiley’s’ Turn (Turn to Zambia). This Bridge will greatly aid in the preservation of Mibicuri North Access Dam.

Yours faithfully,

David Brigbhukan