Build the sewage treatment plant

Dear Editor, 

I note that the First Lady has joined a seawall clean-up and this must be a step in the right direction.  However, let us not overlook that Georgetown does not have a sewage treatment plant and untreated sewage is discharged to the mouth of the Demerara River via a short outfall at Fort Groyne, Kingston.  I quote from a poem ‘Lucretian’ that Ian McDonald shared with us on Sunday. 

‘Earth which engendered so much is unable now to support us, possessed of more shit than nutriment’.  Add to this condoms and sanitary pads and we are beginning to build up a picture of what’s in the waters at the seawall. 

An internet search has shown me that GWI is looking at building two sewage treatment plants and should have some proposals by the end of the year.  These plants are to be constructed, one at the end of the Georgetown sewerage system and the other at the Tucville Sewerage System.

Make it happen is what I say. We have waited decades for this and it’s not going to be easy.  Build one treatment plant at a time, operate it and learn from it before the second one is installed.

Yours faithfully, 

Robert Perks