Why is Region Nine facing stricter Covid guidelines when it has done better than Region Four?

Dear Editor,

The latest Covid guidelines have been officially released and once again hinterland communities are mandated with stricter guidelines than the coastland areas. 

For residents of the Rupununi this is an especially bitter pill to swallow because if statistics are used from the past two months  it would clearly show that Region #9 officials and residents have worked very hard and made much sacrifice to contain the spread of the virus. This region is now one of the slowest spreaders of Covid-19.

Then there is Region 4! If there is any region which needs stricter reinforcement it is this region.  For the past two months statistics would show that they have been far and away the main hotspot in the country. Yet, consecutive amended guidelines over the past two months have eased restrictions on this region. This is akin to rewarding a serial offender (and we wonder why we have not yet been able to contain this spread?)

The Prime Minister is on record as saying that economic considerations are what is pushing the government to relax restrictions. Hon Prime Minister, is it only the coastland that has economic difficulties as a consequence of the pandemic? 

Hon Minister of Health, our region continues to make much effort to contain the virus. Your statistics clearly show that. The least you can do is give us credit for our efforts. Like the coast, we also need a gradual return to normalcy. 

Please do not continue to treat us like contagious outcasts.

Yours faithfully,

M.  Abraham