Unfounded criticism of COVID cash grant programme

Dear Editor,

I read with sheer amazement, the bundle of hogwash APNU+AFC Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul wrote in the media about the highly successful $25,000 COVID-19 Cash Grant distribution exercise currently ongoing. 

Mahipaul alleged, among other things, that the distribution is being done unfairly and that communities and families perceived to be non-supportive of the PPP/C government are being denied the grant. This is a total lie. Such blatant lies from the likes of Mahipaul are not however surprising, given what the nation and the world was subjected to for five months by him and his APNU+AFC colleagues as they sought to deny the will of the Guyanese people. 

One only has to look at his own postings to understand the duplicity and deceitfulness being perpetuated in Mahipaul’s missive. It was he who proudly posted on Facebook a few weeks back that he received the cash grant. He even went on to praise the persons executing the distribution for their professionalism. Many of his other PNC buddies across the country also benefitted from the relief. 

Further, I am yet to witness a complaint from any citizen who is qualified and entitled to the grant about being denied it. I do however agree that there are instances of confusion among persons who are unfamiliar with the process especially as it relates to those living in households where there are multiple families. 

Distribution teams have been walking the length and breadth of Guyana, ensuring that this cash grant gets into the hands of every citizen, regardless of their economic status or political affiliation. 

Mahipaul, as is the case with many of his other PNC colleagues, are simply bitter at the fact that they lacked the vision and knowledge to execute a similar initiative when they controlled the public purse. 

I would like to inform Mahipaul that the people of Guyana welcome this initiative and are very supportive of every aspect of its execution. Instead of exhibiting  bitterness he should utilize his energies more constructively. 

What Mahipaul needs to account for is the billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money his government squandered while ignoring the plight of the Guyanese people.  What Mahipaul needs to be reminded of is the five years of failure of his cabal who did absolutely nothing for the poor people of this country while they marginalized and victimized those they perceived to be non-supportive of APNU+AFC.

The PPP/C has an illustrious track record of governing for all Guyanese. It has always been pro-Guyanese in its policies and this can be evidenced from its immediate reversal of the many hardship measures foisted upon the poor and working class people of this country by the APNU+AFC. 

The PPP/C speaks unity and matches its words with actions.

Yours faithfully,

Edward Layne

Department of Public Information