P&P donates to 12 homes, charities

P&P Insurance Brokers and Consultants Limited on Friday donated a total of $1.5 million to 12 homes and charitable organisations.

The donations, part of an annual company tradition over the last 14 years, were made to the Bless the Children Home, the Canaan Children’s Home, the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre, Uncle Eddie’s Home, Friends of the Archer’s Home, The Dharam Shala, the David Rose School for the Handicapped, the Cheshire Homes, the Hauraruni Girls Home, the  Tina Insanally Foundation, the Bal Nivas Shelter and the  Joshua House Children’s Centre.

In a press release, the company explained that each organisation received $125,000 and that hampers of toys were given to all the orphanages.

It quoted Executive Director Vikash Panday as saying that the presentation has been held at a time of considerable challenges, not least of which is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has wrought havoc worldwide. He said that notwithstanding the challenges, the company resolved that its corporate social responsibility must be honoured and the donations made.

Panday also noted that December is a very significant month for P&P Insurance Brokers as it marks its 35th anniversary. He said that 35 years was a very long time for any business but because of the loyalty of his clients and customers and the extremely hard work of the staff over the years, P&P continues to succeed on a foundation built on integrity and trust.

Panday added that the donations over the many years would not have been possible without the success of the business and the success of the business would not have been possible without the support loyalty and goodwill of their many clients and friends. He said the donations were therefore as much from their clients as they were from P&P.