Irrespective of who is in power our patriotism is non-negotiable

Dear Editor,

The Venezuelans have done it again, and again, it is emphasized just how heedless and backward we are at every level in this country.  Though we have the world at our feet, it is obvious that if we refuse to listen, then we will have a barren wilderness in our hands.

It was first a couple of vulnerable fishing boats and their crews – victimized by the Venezuelan Navy. We made some polite noises, which is all we had at our disposal, and that was that: welcome home, compadres.  Wednesday, it was the emptiness of our suddenly unfriendly skies, with jet fighters swooping at low levels. It was not a ceremonial flyover.  As I see it, this relentless ongoing intensification of tensions by Venezuela is going to result, sooner than later, in the presence of ground troops across our border under various guises. 

I already can hear the defenses: pursuit of criminals. It may not be full-fledged official forays, but harassing and skirmishing guerilla tactics under the unofficial forays of Syndicato gangs.  In that manner, everyone-from the Venezuelan Ambassador to the Venezuelan political and military leadership is provided with what is called ‘plausible deniability.’  If the PPP and PNC luminaries think that they are the only ones who can play games and get away with misuse of the English language, then they had all better think again.  The Venezuelans may be Spanish speakers, but they are no slouches with English, as its Foreign Minister demonstrated during the fishing boat episodes and embarrassments.

Editor, I must be clear here and now: I recognize our limitations at the leadership, manpower, and ordnance levels.  I recognize that we are deeply divided, and that the deep lasting scars of last year’s elections have pierced to the point of a casual and indifferent patriotism on the part of too many.  I now put my stake in the ground on what I consider as an existential Venezuelan threat, which is not going to go away, but intensify and multiply.  I recognize also that we could also have numbers of around, if not over, probably 100,000 foreigners (legal and illegal and unaccounted for) resident here; great mischief could be involved.

I put this on the table: regardless of which party is in power, and no matter how detestable it is found (and be assured of that) I cannot look back, am not going back anywhere.  I am as one with this government where Venezuela is concerned; and any governing apparatus, for that matter.  This is not up for discussion.  And I urge all my fellow Guyanese to be of the same mindset, if not ahead of me.

Last, in view of our known realities, I think it is time that every Guyanese adapt the mentality of those who were once call-ed North Vietnamese. If ‘irregulars’ have to be the order of defensive regularity, then so be it. But the objective is to extract the harshest and costliest price for any and all invaders, who will come someday.


GHK Lall