Recent provocative actions by Venezuela calls for preventative and preparatory actions

Dear Editor,

It is clear that diplomacy, tolerance and patience are getting us far, but the recent violation of our airspace by Venezuelan fighter jets is changing the dynamic of the relationship between our two countries. Some consider it to be naive to conduct joint military exercises at the border, but the recent provocative actions by the Government of Venezuela does call into question the need for preventative, and preparatory actions in the event of an invasion. The British have shown over the years their steadfast support for our stance concerning the controversy with Vene-zuela, and the US has also shown a willingness to conduct joint military exercises if invited to do so.

We should not depend only upon diplomacy to protect our homeland. It is the preference, but it would be foolish to not be adequately prepared for the worst while hoping for the best. We must also be cautious not to be lured into a larger conflict that appears to be escalating between Iran and the US. Venezuela’s partnership with Iran does bring into question the larger intent of the Venezuelan government. Involvement of the UK in a measured military exercise at the border will go far to set the correct tone of our response to Venezuela’s increasing military actions while also securing the integrity of our sovereign nation. These efforts, although becoming increasingly more important, should not be in lieu of a strong diplomatic push at the UN with the continued support of the International Court of Justice. Guyana should also seek the diplomatic support and acknowledgement of China and Russia for our territory as established in 1899.

Given the heightening tension of the controversy and its potential to evolve into an armed conflict, each member of the National Assembly must search deep within themselves and embrace their spirit of solidarity to help unify our nation in the face of this external threat.


Best regards,

Jamil Changlee