I am sick and tired of the way we teachers are treated

Dear Editor,

Teachers for many years have been taken for granted. Since the COVID-19 outbreak as a teacher I have not received any form of assistance to enhance learning. It is a fact that we are being paid but I would like to remind the public of the strains we are under.

I have two children – one is in Grade One and has to do his schooling online. This is my everyday routine: prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner, supervise my two children, assist my son with his school work and look after my youngest. Apart from that, I teach my Grade 6 pupils online, plus some tutoring during the course of the day. Point to note: I do not charge any child for their learning. My day is not done since I have all my cleaning and washing to do and I still have to find time for my husband.

I mentioned earlier that we still receive our salary but I want the public to note that teachers are continuously working, and working from home is not an easy task. I have heard ministers and officers making remarks that we must be grateful. Hello, I have to pay my own internet which should be a choice, pay utilities, and do not get me started with the gadgets which we have to face on our own expense for purchases, repairs,  updates and the list goes on. Plus I have to make sure that food is in the house because the children are at home all day. Now people also have their personal expenses which include loans, building projects and hire purchases. Now tell me – how is our salaries realistically covering all of that? What about those teachers who are single parents, and have to pay rent and all the above expenses? It is the grace of God that keeps us going.

The ministry has provided worksheets and textbooks for the children, kudos for their efforts, but did they not consider that the educators, who are delivering the lessons to the children, need resources too? How long will we condone going into our own pockets to do the government’s job? It is years we are doing it — spending tons of monies to create child friendly classrooms with our own resources. Our salaries cannot support this, and needs to stop. Have you ever observed the police spending their own monies to purchase their gears or resources they need? Does the doctor buy his/her own tools or drugs to treat patients? No, they do not. So why are we doing it and having to struggle? I am sick and tired of the way we are treated and then we are told it is for the children…think about the children. Well if the teachers are not there …… fill in the blanks!

It is time we are provided with all the resources necessary to ensure we provide the best service possible. We need the right textbooks, gadgets and when the doors of our schools open – proper child friendly classrooms. I have a lot more to say but my letter would be longer. I am just hurt how public servants are treated on the whole, but I am a teacher, and so I could only represent us.


(Name and address supplied)