Create electoral districts within Region 4 to reduce size and scope

Dear Editor,

With elections’ reform in the air, Guyanese must remember that each of us, regardless of political loyalty, suffered at every election since independence, with the March 2020 Elections providing the clearer, most recent example of the will to lie, cheat and steal by the politically affiliated persons in GECOM. Electoral reform must be ongoing – but it must also be aimed at removing the ability to collude and defraud the Guyanese people as the March 2020 elections showed us.

One of the very important reforms must be the dividing up of the size and scope of Region (District) #4. Throughout our history this Region/District has created problems and remain the festering sore in Guyanese psyche. Editor, even the Police has divided up Region 4 into A, B and C. This is a simple but important move that will remove the long waiting period from future elections. No more behemoth region/district 4 that can be “mingoized” by anyone.


Dr Yog Mahadeo