Let’s critically evaluate ‘traditional values and practices’

Dear Editor,

In reference to the letter, ‘SN editorial supporting legalisation of same sex relations unfortunate’, published on June 14, I would like the author or anyone, to clearly discuss using sound research what exactly is being referred to as ‘traditional values and practices’. Using robust peer-reviewed findings, critically evaluate the effectiveness and consequences of traditional values and practices in Guyana and countries of your choice since this is bedrock of the author’s thesis.

Everyone is allowed to present their understanding on any topic of interest. However, supporting points for our arguments have to be sound, not mere utterance of words.  You see, if someone says: I do accept action X because it is religiously forbidden, then, this is a sound thesis statement that can built upon. Not when one utters points that are akin to mirages.


Dr. Aslam Hanief