Our homes must be the place where the little and growing ones do not hear racial vitriol

Dear Editor,

It takes a Michael Holding to call things as they are, a man legendary for his pace, pitch, and power on and off the grass.  This was what he did on his experiences with personal and group abuse in “Some of the letters were barbaric -Holding reveals racial abuse he suffered in England” (BBC, June 23).

In today’s impeccable world of oral and individual purity, even use of a word like “barbaric” risks condemnation for uttering a slur, a harkening back to linkage with animals, of human savages.  I like the word, and delight in plastering it all over the dirty, guilty countenances of political frauds, and societal hypocrites, of which the utterly worst ones are those of religious bent.  According to the ‘Whispering Ghost’ some of the letters received in that bastion of civilized behaviour, England, were written in red to ram home the racial abuse; and extended past the margins, to pretend at childish sources.  The man who drove fear in the hearts of opposing batsmen was fearless in damning such abuse for the profanities that they are.  Now Mr. Mike made an interesting point, that one about education and re-education being necessary, and with which I agree, but now take to other places.

I agree that education is crucial; it must start in the home.  Our homes must be the place, where the little and growing ones do not hear racial vitriol heaped upon neighbours or political foes of a different colour; of slurs cast on those of mixed ancestry; of the derogatory piled on those with a lifestyle not quite orthodox.  It is difficult, given cultural and historical roots; contemporary conduct and the ‘coolness’ of fitting in and counted as likeminded; and tougher still because some get visceral satisfaction from extending degrading hurtful narratives.  I believe that when the education that Michael Holding speaks about, starts in the home-the things heard (not heard), the values prevalent (or not)-then the foundation is set for classroom to build upon, and the schoolyard to not overcome.  The latter would be from the racial poisons overheard or lived with in the home or neighbourhood.

Similarly, the identical kind of education must (must) continue in the political arena with leaders and senior members of groups embodying the honest and credible where race is concerned.  Their position must be that this will not be tolerated from members of this political group, will not be condoned in any fashion, with no excuses made.  This would be regardless of who is involved.  If we are serious, then religious leaders have to be the backbone of such endeavours: vigilant and fearless and attentive to the racial spite, racial ugliness, racial sabotages.  All leaders-political, parental, ecclesiastical, and societal-must be alert to the sly and nuanced, which should be called out and denounced for what they are: barbaric and racial, unacceptable and unsupportable.  The education starts as outlined, and involves all those mentioned.  Let’s see who is serious about racial attitudes and behaviours.


GHK Lall