Rescind coercive tactics with immediate information campaign on the benefits of the vaccine

Dear Editor,

It is my opinion that the implementation of restrictions re unvaccinated was too rash. It caught people too suddenly. Even me as there was no time to assimilate, to adjust. I went to do some business at the Courts and I could not enter because I did not have my card. Too many persons would not have even known of the restrictions. People need to be advised that they could have a picture of the card and the ID on their phones. In addition, the resistance is also fueled by protests in other countries where sections of the population refuses to be vaccinated because of so many negative information re the various vaccines. People are scared and naturally and expectedly so. I am neither a scientist nor a doctor but I do believe there are those with preconditions who should not be vaccinated. Maybe they should receive a special card stating same, i.e. if I am correct.

It is always correct to have policies exposed to the public, to have public responses and to have the views of other professionals who I am sure would respond in the media. Frankly there was little or no PR re this imposition.  People were literally caught with their pants down. Given the present situation, how long would it take government to vaccinate the entire population i.e. if they agreed to be vaccinated? So, what happens to them in the meantime? What happens to those in far flung areas? Did we really think this through? Are the restrictions in breach of the constitution? I believe this is being challenged in the courts in some countries. There is the question of education versus coercion. Information, information, information is what is needed. Information in my mind not only to the public but to the policy makers. How many vaccinated persons were infected as opposed to unvaccinated? How many vaccinated who were infected died as opposed to unvaccinated? We always knew that even with the vaccine one can still be infected but it was a question of statistical probability which was stated as low. So, if the vaccine could still cause infection but no death, is that a good thing? Well for one it may very well reduce the fears and the stress which in themselves are silent killers.

It would also be interesting to find out how many infected persons, if any, have been taking their Vitamin C and their Zinc Tablets or if they were drinking their concoctions of lime juice, garlic, and turmeric and ginger with or without neem leaf in order to develop natural immunity. Information, information, information to guide policy decisions. In closing I would advise the government to ease the restrictions, continue to inform people of its possible implementation and carry out a massive education campaign providing the stats to support the benefits of taking the vaccine. It is known that so many parents are educated by their children so I would use the education system to give information to the children. I would also appeal to the private media to get on board to assist in disseminating information and also utilize the telecommunication system to send messages to all cell phones. Use FB to target specific sections of the population or the entire FB population in Guyana. I am definitely not an expert nor even educated in this area but I thought I would pen a letter to stimulate some discussion. Finally, we need to stop this is ‘we party so we support and defend everything’ and ‘it is not we party so we oppose everything’.   

Rajendra Bisessar