The Ministry of Education’s Complaints Desk has been a total success

Dear Editor,

The Ministry of Education must be applauded for establishing a Resolution/ Complaints Desk through which complaints, queries and grievances from the citizens can be addressed smoothly and quickly. People encounter many challenges within the education system, ranging from nursery to tertiary levels, across the length and breadth of Guyana. One of the best ways to resolve these challenges, is through constructive dialogue, where participants are provided the platform to speak. This nurtures mutual understanding among parties. 

Teachers, parents, students and other stakeholders of the MoE are encouraged to channel their complaints, queries and grievances to the Complaints Desk. Attached to this desk are competent and abled senior officers, to provide solutions or channel issues to the relevant departments and provide feedback within 24 hrs. From all reports, matters have already been resolved through this mechanism. I recommend that other ministries follow suit, listen to citizens, and resolve their issues within a short period. This approach  is very efficient and cost-effective.


S. Jaikishun